LEAF Struct Reference

Struct for an instance of LEAF. More...

#include <leaf-global.h>

Data Fields

float sampleRate
 The current audio sample rate. Set with LEAF_setSampleRate().
float invSampleRate
 The inverse of the current sample rate.
int blockSize
 The audio block size.
float twoPiTimesInvSampleRate
 Two-pi times the inverse of the current sample rate.
float(* random )(void)
 A pointer to the random() function provided on initialization.
int clearOnAllocation
 A flag that determines whether memory allocated from the LEAF memory pool will be cleared.
tMempool mempool
 The default LEAF mempool object.
size_t header_size
 The size in bytes of memory region headers within mempools.
void(* errorCallback )(LEAF *const, LEAFErrorType)
 A pointer to the callback function for LEAF errors. Can be set by the user.
int errorState [LEAFErrorNil]
 An array of flags that indicate which errors have occurred.

Detailed Description

Struct for an instance of LEAF.


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